Green Peas (Mattar/Vattana) (Currently banned for exports from India)

Green Peas (Mattar/Vattana) (Currently banned for exports from India)

  • Botanical Name: Pisum Sativum
  • Family: Fabaceae
  • Common Name: Mattar, Vattana
  • Part Used: Grains
  • Form Available: Green peas Whole
  • Packing: 500g, 1kg
Category: Product ID: 917


A pea is most commonly the small spherical originally from Italy seed or the seed-pod of the legume Pisum sativum.[1] Each pod contains several peas. Although it is botanically a fruit,[2] it is treated as a vegetable in cooking. P. sativum is an annual plant, with a life cycle of one year. It is a cool season crop grown in many parts of the world; planting can take place from winter through to early summer depending on location. The average pea weighs between 0.1 and 0.36 grams. The species is used as a vegetable – fresh, frozen or canned, and is also grown to produce dry peas like the split pea. These varieties are typically called field peas.

Dried peas are often made into a soup or simply eaten on their own. In Japan, China, Taiwan and some Southeast Asian countries, including Thailand and Malaysia, the peas are roasted and salted, and eaten as snacks. In the UK, dried yellow split peas are used to make peas pudding (or “peas porridge”), a traditional dish. In North America, a similarly traditional dish is split pea soup.