Bishop’s Weed (Ajwain)

Bishop’s Weed (Ajwain)

  • Botanical Name: Trachyspermum Ammi, Carum Copticum
  • Family: Apiaceae
  • Common Name: Ajwain, Wild Parsley, Carom
  • Part Used: Fruit Seed
  • Form Available: Whole Seed or Ground
  • Packing: 100g, 100g, 1Kg
Category: Product ID: 676


Ajwain is close relative of caraway, dill and cumin. Its taste is similar to thyme but stronger. It has piney, phenol like and slight lemony notes. When crushed or ground, it has a more intense flavour. It can be bitter and slightly spicy. Its leaves, stems and roots are aromatic. Essential oil in Ajwain is thymol (35% to 60%) Miltop supplies Ajwain seeds of Jamnagar orgin, which is famous in India for its pungency

Bishop’s weed is widely recommended for medicinal purposes like as a calming herb to ease intestinal colic, stimulating the appetite, treatment of diarrhea, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and in laryngitis as a gargle. Another main use has been to increase milk. It is an ingredient in mouthwashes and toothpaste because of its antiseptic properties. Ajwain is a good source of Calcium and Iron.

Bishop weed or Ajwain is a very popular Indian spice which is used as to add flavor to many dishes. The spice is extensively used in a number of food products including savory, snacks, breads, pastries.