
Home / Kariatu


  • Botanical Name: Enicostemma Littorale
  • Family: Gentianaceae
  • Common Name: Chhota Chirata, Mamejavo
  • Part Used: Leaves
  • Form Available: Kariatu Powder
  • Packing: 100g


Enicostema littorale is an herb found in many parts of India. Sometimes this is spelled as Enicostemma littorale. This herb is also found in South America and some parts of Africa. Enicostema littorale is an herb from the plant family Gentianaceae. Sometimes this is spelled as Enicostemma littorale. This is an annual or perennial herb. The stems are often angular or rounded. The leaves are narrow. The white flowers are arranged in circles in leaf axils along the stem. The seeds are round.

From ancient times enicostemma littorale used as antimalarial in tribal region, it shows effect in decreasing temperature of body due to infections of any bacteria. Mainly it is used along with other herbs for the treatment of Diabetes Type 2. The whole plant is useful as Ayurvedic herbal medicine. Enicostema littorale is an herb found in many parts of India. This herb is also found in South America and some parts of Africa.

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